Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It's the 1st of June...'sup?


It's the first of the month! Some of us without lives will try to start it off with a bang! Yes, I went to collect my "second born" at the store today. Oh, she's a beaut'! I've decided to name her Liberty or Libby, for short because well, I'm pretty sure that's how she's going to make me feel when I play her...I'm love with my first electric guitar! I'd already started learning some TABS on my acoustic, but now it's going to feel real, you know.
That's Liberty

I still don't know what to make of this month. It's my birthday month so I want it to be extra special and spicy. I intend on posting my official to-do list on Friday and adding some zoosh! to this blog since some segments have fallen behind.

Phew, so now that the slate's been wiped clean; what are your intentions for the month of June? So far, I have purchased my first electric guitar! *crosses it off list*

See's ya!...


  1. Congrats on the new guitar. I can imagine the excitement after buying a new instrument.

    I think for the month of June I'm just gonna wing it. It's hard to be free when you have a job.

    Nice blog

  2. Thank you Pat. I don't have a job, so I've plenty of free time. :)


Your thoughts are always appreciated! :)