Monday, June 28, 2010

A Great Start

Hello there

It has been two days since a ceremony that has changed the way I view my life. Two days ago were the Bessie Head Literature Awards ceremony or prize giving where I received the first prize in the novel category. Now I am still shocked, I have no idea what just happened. It’s basically going to take another long month until this all sinks in; and then I have to go back to school for my second year. It’s like I won an Oscar! And from my uneventful twenty year old life, this is probably going to be the highlight for another ten years. My name is on newspapers now, I am excited; it’s a dream come true. Now, I get hope that maybe I am not wasting my time writing after all. If someone out there, let alone a competition can acknowledge my work, it's amazing. I am very thankful; to the organisers of the event, my family, my friends and all those who showed interest in my childish stories and the teachers. And most importantly, all the writers out there who have inspired me, whether I read your work or not, especially Bessie Head for whom the competition would not exist in the first place if she had not decided to write. I think working on my new novel is going to be a blast! Anyway, the ceremony was great, a life changing experience it was to be amongst other writers in my country. I also got to hear Bessie Head talking on an interview years ago before she died. It was fascinating to hear her talk; I had actually thought she had a deep or low pitched voice, but she had a sweet sort of shy voice, but firm. are you liking my new layout? Does it not just scream “Ziggie Talk!”? ;)

Mmegi Online :: Bessie Head Heritage Trust announces winners

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Don't Hate, Appreciate!


Toady's message is short and to the point.
How many times do you tell that person next to you that you love them? ‘That person’ could be your parent, sibling, extended relative, a special someone? How often do you show appreciation for their existence? Here is another question; the people who do services for you, how often do you say ‘thank you’ after you receive that service? This could be your maid, a cashier, a cab driver etc. Dwelling on these service providers, how often do you say hello and get acquainted with them? I mean yes you are paying them, but is it not right to just say hello once in a blue moon? I’ve been thinking; life’s too short to consider yourself above the person next to you. If these people would decide not to provide these services that make your life easier anymore, then what? I am not dying by the way if that’s what you’re thinking right now. This was just an innocent question and or statement, a reality check that I wanted to raise; something to think about when you go to sleep at night.
So, I will say this right now since I hardly do, “I love you all my loyal readers! Thank you so much for the support.”
Right, now I will go and hug my mom and dad, then I will greet my maid...


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Ziggie


First of all, I would like to wish myself a happy birthday. Yes, my faithful readers, the fateful time has finally arrived where I can say, I am twenty years old. Hey, if you think about it, this is my first post on Ziggie Talk as a twenty year old! :b
So, for today’s special, I am going to give you helpful tips on how to celebrate your post teen birthday if you taste like vanilla ice cream (refer to the post "Reflections" below if you don’t know what vanilla ice cream means).

1. Wait until the clock strikes twelve midnight so that you can be the first to wish yourself a happy birthday
2. After a few moments turn on your favourite track and break it down, lose it, shake that tale feather! In the comfort of your closed room of course.
3. After your song is done and you are out of breath, turn off your light and snuggle into your blankets while waiting for the first of a dozen messages from your loyal friends. And then if the traffic of messages and phone calls slows down, really snuggle in and pretend you are sleeping until morning where you will have been disturbed by a couple of other super messages.
4. If your birthday is on a weekend or you have no school or work, wake up early in the morning to go somewhere by yourself independently... I went to church. Watch out for more birthday messages.


5. After returning from your trip, slip back into your pyjamas as if you never went anywhere and listen to your family singing to you that wonderful traditional song, how does it go again?
6. After spending some minutes with your family, retreat back to your room and take a nap before noon so that you can reflect your age on your body, mind and soul.
7. Wake up and pretend that you did not hear someone saying “let’s go pick up the cake,” because you cannot believe that they actually ordered a cake for you.
8. Enjoy the festivities with the snacks and stuff. And remember that ALL BETS ARE OFF ON YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! So, really dig into that cake and other junk they have there, you will do the regretting and work it off the next’s like Christmas.
9. Finally after some much needed excitement, it is time for bed. Wait until the clock strikes twelve midnight again so that you can properly say goodbye to your day, your birthday. If you are religious, say a little prayer to thank God for being alive one more year.

And that is how you do it. Stay tuned for more life saving tips on Ziggie Talk!!!
‘Till next time, C ya!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


So, have you ever wondered why some people talk in their sleep? (What? I have nothing better to talk about so work with me here...but you want to know right?) Well alright, this condition is known as ‘somniloquy’. According to my sources, this only affects fifty percent of children and five percent of adults. Talking in your sleep is caused by a number of things like stress, sleep deprivation, unresolved issues, anxiety, eating in excess before bed ( yes; you people, you know who you are), an unfinished task stuck in your subconscious. But this mostly happens in children because of their immature brain and overactive imaginations. My sources also say that when someone sleep talks, there is a small difference from when the person is conscious and unconscious (sleeping). A sleep talker either mutters softly or yells out loud the words on their mind. They are also often shocked and confused and frustrated when they realise they have been talking while sleeping. Well now, do you have this problem? I hope I have helped some of you come to terms with your ‘activities’ during the night. (This was dedicated to my former roommate...yes you).

From Ziggie with love...