Monday, June 28, 2010

A Great Start

Hello there

It has been two days since a ceremony that has changed the way I view my life. Two days ago were the Bessie Head Literature Awards ceremony or prize giving where I received the first prize in the novel category. Now I am still shocked, I have no idea what just happened. It’s basically going to take another long month until this all sinks in; and then I have to go back to school for my second year. It’s like I won an Oscar! And from my uneventful twenty year old life, this is probably going to be the highlight for another ten years. My name is on newspapers now, I am excited; it’s a dream come true. Now, I get hope that maybe I am not wasting my time writing after all. If someone out there, let alone a competition can acknowledge my work, it's amazing. I am very thankful; to the organisers of the event, my family, my friends and all those who showed interest in my childish stories and the teachers. And most importantly, all the writers out there who have inspired me, whether I read your work or not, especially Bessie Head for whom the competition would not exist in the first place if she had not decided to write. I think working on my new novel is going to be a blast! Anyway, the ceremony was great, a life changing experience it was to be amongst other writers in my country. I also got to hear Bessie Head talking on an interview years ago before she died. It was fascinating to hear her talk; I had actually thought she had a deep or low pitched voice, but she had a sweet sort of shy voice, but firm. are you liking my new layout? Does it not just scream “Ziggie Talk!”? ;)

Mmegi Online :: Bessie Head Heritage Trust announces winners


  1. Congratulations. Can't wait to get my hands on the book, sounds like a good read

  2. its about damn time


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