Monday, November 9, 2009

The colour blue, The colour you!

Why are Mondays considered blue? Why is the colour (which is one of my favourite colours by the way) associated with such misery and darkness? I mean think about it. This classification has us indoctrinated to thinking, “you know what, I am having a blue day or a dark day”. Think about it again; we basically have a colour for everything! Personally when I picture a place or a moment, it comes along with a colour. If I think that tomorrow is Monday, the first colour that rushes to my mind is blue. If I think of Friday, the first colour I think of is yellow. To me, the significance of yellow in this case is ‘paradise’, ‘retreat or freedom’, ‘an oasis in the middle of a hot desert’. How about locations; what colour comes to your mind when you think of home compared to the place you are visiting or you currently live in? Or when you go to the mall; what colour springs into your mind when you choose one mall over the other or when you picture yourself entering the mall complex? You see it don’t you? You can see those colours. You were probably not conscious about it but you can see it. It’s there. Right, now that that is sorted, there is one more colour to think about. What colour do you see when you look at yourself or when you think about yourself, be it your physical appearance or your personality or the way you behave and treat others? Is it blue or yellow? What is your colour? Is it red, brown, green, violet, azure, pink, orange, and so on. And what does this particular colour mean? Dude, if your colour is blue, then we all know what that means; or do we? Try it. Evaluate yourself using colour; it’s fun. If you can evaluate poor Monday with the colour blue, then what’s the colour “YOU”?