Saturday, June 4, 2011

12 Things Ziggie Should Do In The Month Of June

Hey there!

I know that it's not exactly Friday, but hey, I'm here with my list of activities. I feel like I'm part of Phineas and Ferb when I make this list. Except none of my activities are over the top! or as fact they are quite boring. I've done a list before to keep me entertained. I just hope I follow this one

1. Clear some messages in my inbox, to make space for the birthday messages I'll be getting on my phone on Monday from my loving dear friends.

2. Listen to the new Paramore single which will be out June 7th apparently

3. Learn to play Sunshine of your love and Icky Thump on my new electric guitar.( I need luck for this one).

4. Write at least 3 children short stories so that I can familiarize myself to that category. Also, make them as African and original as possible. All this before the 20th.

5. Edit my novel manuscript that I wrote a few years ago. My writing has improved since then, so it deserves some tweaking.

6. Google notes on how to write a great play. I will need this once I begin writing my play in July.

7. Ziggie! wake up every morning before 9am and do some stretches or exercises, you're out of shape. (I know this because I almost died attempting to dance to Beyonce's Single Ladies in high heels (they were not that high) the other day)

8. Even though it's winter, drink lots of water because apparently it's good for the skin

9. Begin my cooking experience at a restaurant or bakery. This is going towards my culinary school dream

10. Speaking of culinary and winter, make some heart warming dishes at home and post them on this blog. (I can't wait for this one)

11. Open a savings account for a road trip I want to take in December...I deserve a vacation

    12. Go to church every Sunday beginning next week. I need to get closer to my spiritual side. Oh and to stop believing so much in astrology. I may be a Gemini, but the things they predict for me are sometimes either ridiculous or they don't happen.

      Okay, there you have it. This list is quite manageable and a month is more than enough to have this covered. *sigh* I wish it had some bungee jumping in it, but hey, I'm broke and it shall only remain in my suppressed "adrenalin rush" personality.

      Got's to go!


      1. Good luck. I need one of those!

      2. Thanks; so far so good. You should really try making a list. I helps if you're such a procrastinator!


      Your thoughts are always appreciated! :)