Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ziggie Makes: Easy Chocolate Brownies

Hello there and welcome to my first edition/ post of my cooking endeavour. Since I put a  temporary halt to some of the segments on this blog, they will be replaced by my cooking skills.

Since one of my favourite things in the world is chocolate, why not abuse it a little! This is my improvised brownie recipe.

You will need:
1. 150g unsalted butter
2. 3/4 cup of castor sugar
3. 200g of dark chocolate
4. 100g of white chocolate
5. 100g of nuts milk chocolate *
6. 2 large eggs
7. 1/4 cup self raising flour
8. 1 cup plain flour
9. 3 tblsp of dessicated coconut

Tip: If you don't have self raising flour, simply add a pinch of salt and 2 1/2 tsp of baking powder to 500g of plain flour. (Store away the left over for next time).

*This is optional if you don't like nuts. You can use other chocolate varieties with fruit or caramel or biscuit...anything you like.


1. Add the sugar, chopped butter and chopped dark chocolate into a saucepan and heat moderately while stirring for 2 to 3 minutes...or at least until the chocolate melts. Leave mixture to cool for 15minutes.

2. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

3. Grease an oven tray which is about 28x20 cm base and 3cm deep with butter and then align baking sheet onto the tray. Make sure the ends of the sheet are in excess of about 2cm above the edge of the tray.

4. After the chocolate mixture has cooled, add the eggs and flours and mix until smooth batter. (I used a whisk to mix; don't ask me why.)

5. Chop the white chocolate and nuts chocolate and fold them, along with the coconut, into batter.

6. Bake for 25 minutes or until crumbs appear when poked with a skewer.

7. Cool and serve with a dash of whipped fresh cream **

**Well, these are honestly really sweet, the cream tones it down a notch for those who can't handle it.


Taster: Hmm, these are fantastic. They'd really fix me up during my chocolate cravings!

There you have it. Join me again next week for another fun recipe. For any questions you might have, leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. I like this idea. The ingredients are cheap


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