Saturday, June 18, 2011

The universe and it's wonders.

Hello there!

So I, as well as many other people on this planet, got to witness the lunar eclipse that occurred the other day. I think out of most people and my entire family, I was so stoked to witness it. I mean it's not the first eclipse I've seen, but the last ones I saw, I was so young but equally excited! The feeling I got is like something I can't explain and for sure, I've never wanted a telescope more in my life. Like that was the night to have one of those in your room. I tried to take pics though. Even though it's winter here and it was really cold that night, I wanted nothing more to sleep under the stars and not take my eyes off of it...

This was 3/4 along. I just loved this visual; it looked like coffee had spilt on the moon. Beautiful.
The explanation behind this phenomenon is that the moon passes behind the earth, such that the earth is blocking the sun's rays from striking the moon. Obviously, there has to be a full moon for this to occur. The difference between a solar (sun) eclipse and a lunar eclipse among others, is that a lunar can occur for a few hours whereas the solar only takes a few minutes. Hmm...

The weird thing about all of this, is that a friend of mine's grandmother said that lunar eclipses often foretell or mean that an important leader is going to die. Creepy! But what do you know; I watched the 7 o'clock news earlier tonight and they announced the death of former notorious Zambian president, Fredrick Chiluba. Is it just a coincidence? I don't know. I'm not going to rule out the possibility that the old woman is right. I think that there might be something  to look into here. We shouldn't chuck our traditions away. I was sitting in the living room with an OMG look on my face.

So the next total lunar eclipse will occur in December, but it won't be visible in my area.

See ya!

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