Friday, January 14, 2011

My Solo Act!


So, I was watching this movie a few days ago and this boy was playing a guitar riff to a legendary rock song (I’m not sure what it’s called, I’ll have to ask my mother). Anyways, what I’m trying to hint is that, I need an electric guitar, stat! OMG, I imagined myself playing that riff in my room or something and just living in the music baby! You know, trailing up and down that fret board with nothing but my fingers and my soul, *sighs*; and knowing what note to play with such electric speed. Oh, this means I have to start saving, because you can’t get a guitar without an amp; what will be the point. The guitar itself does nothing to my budget, but the amp will just rip it to shreds. Then I have to get a DVD with lessons because…well…I’ve been teaching myself how to play the guitar (acoustic), for 2 years now without any aid, and let’s just say- my strumming sucks, big time. I recently bought a DVD though.

I can’t wait to start jamming to Hendrix, Zeppelin, Sabbath, Deep Purple, etc. First though, I have to learn how to play that riff I saw the kid playing in the movie. I just have to contact my mom first (I’ll have to hum the tune and she’ll have to guess what I’m humming), and then google the TABS and so on. Oh no; I’m competing with an eleven year old. It means I have to get cracking! I’ve already wasted about 9 odd years.

If you’re reading this post and you think I’m totally loony or whatever, I don’t blame you. But sometimes living in the music makes one loony. Imagine yourself on stage or wherever, jamming to Voodo Chile or Stairway to Heaven! There’s something about guitar riffs and solos that makes me gaga! So if you’re one of those like me, go on out there and get yourself that electric love child (guitar), and I’ll see you on the other side of my guitar solo…err…in about several months, that is! Lol

Until we meet again, Rock On!


  1. cant believe you still crazy about guitars. oh, hello zigz...

  2. I know. It's all in the name of my love for music!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. mma when is the makeover? ke a shwegashwega,

  5. You could always check out youtube, Ziggie :D

    You can learn all types of guitar 'moves' on there.

    It's borntobeawriter, by the way ;)

  6. @lyric Coming in February. I'm so glad you're anticipated

    @Tanya My saviour. I hadn't thought about that, thanks. Wow someone from YWS, hi borntobeawriter!


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