Saturday, July 9, 2011

My New Obsession: Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)

Hello Zigglets!

I think I may have found someone to look up to in the literature part of my life; Virginia Woolf! As for those who know me really well, I'm sort of obsessed with Freddie Mercury and everything he's touched in his musical career. When it comes to music or an kind of conversation I may have with anyone concerning music, he always seems to pop up out of nowhere. (There I go again).

Anywho, this post is not about Freddie Mercury; it's about Virginia Woolf and how I'm suddenly fascinated by her life and her contributions to literature alike. I'm yet to read one her books because well, we just met. But reading her biographies on various sites in a matter of 48hours, I've come to appreciate her more than you can imagine. As an aspiring writer, I find my head flooding with all sorts of inspirations from all corners of my imagination. What I've read so far about her passion and dedication to her stories, I just feel so inspired to write with a renewed level of vigour in my passion.

All this was fuelled by a movie I watched a few days ago, The Hours starring Nicole Kidman. It was not the first time I'd watched it. The first time I saw it, I think I was 14, and I knew nothing then. If you haven't yet, you should watch it.

So when the new semester starts at school this August, I'll be in the city with a bookstore at my disposal. That's where I'm going to focus my interests, and I'm so excited, I just can't wait.

Other than that, I'm doing just fine. It's been rather cold in my area. As I write, I'm wrapped in a purple fleece blanket that I got for my birthday, with Kings of Leon playing in the background. You see, nothing's changed!

That's for this week! Enjoy the weekend ;)

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