Friday, July 22, 2011

Bzzzy Bees!

So um, I got home yesterday and there they were. The tree they're on is right at the main gate, so I decided to take a picture. My dad seems to think they're good luck, so we shouldn't get rid of them...I don't know. I can still remember my first bee sting ordeal. I was nine, I think and I stepped on a dead one; *the horror!*. The next encounters after that are pretty similar and as painful.

Anywho, I'm not here to talk about my unfriendly encounters with bees. I would like to talk about them metaphorically, or comparing them to real life; my life (duh!). I don't know; my knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and behaviour of bees is quite limited. The last time I studied bees specifically I was probably in junior secondary. But from what I know; there are bees which are captured for honey and those that roam around freely. Since it's winter time here, it's bee season and it comes as no surprise that I'd find a swarm perched on my tree.

Bees are really busy creatures. Looking at it like a 'Plain Jane', you'd know that their main goals are to protect the queen and make honey. Every second, they're serving a purpose. So I asked myself today; what purposeful thing did I manage to do to day? 'Something, for someone else?' What should I do, for someone else? I know it's not really the same thing; protecting a queen (just one being), and my question. Either way, the queen is being protected because she's producing more bees (Okay, that didn't help either). Anyhowz I'm just going to use it.

I've not done anything, in a while that would benefit another person who needs it. So, I'm going to think of something to do, and I'll tell you what I did in the next coming blog of them. I'm going to do something that'll help protect another human being, selflessly and guilt free...just because I saw a swarm of bees at my gate. It pretty much makes sense to me.

'Till next time...c ya! (Wait, are you still scratching you head?)

1 comment:

  1. wow i missed these ones i guess it was the time I was in Tswapong it was a lot of them im surprised they didnt get Leutlwetse {our nephew} nature amazing. A swarm, one of the unclean things declared not to be eaten by God I quote Exodus


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