Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tears of Joy

Haven’t you always wondered why some of us cry when we are laughing? Think about it. A less than funny joke seems to crack you up and tears flood your face all of a sudden? Then you think to yourself, gosh I am crying...but I am laughing, at the same time. Then the people sitting next to you ask if you are crying when evidently they can see that...well, its quite confusing to others really what you are doing. Well, I did a little research and according to Ziggie’s sources, one can cry to the ‘point of tears’, as they put it, and the term they use is ‘psychogenic tearing'; anywho, the explanation to this is that one can cry to something that makes them sad and equally that makes them happy. Basically, crying is a response to emotion either good or bad...and then there’s more scientific stuff until the end which is a bit confusing. It does not explain everything though because this is a phenomenon I should say, under investigation. If the reason for laughing to the point of tears is as above, then why don’t we all do it? Why does it only affect some of us? Is it hereditary? I want to know. You know, it gets frustrating, for me, when for example I am watching television with my family and something funny happens and then we all laugh. But then if I find something really funny, I happen to shed tears. Then, everyone would have stopped laughing by the time I start crying because, well, the joke was not really that funny to begin with. Then I have to drag myself to another room for five minutes to try and compose myself because everyone else is trying to follow the show they are watching and I am disturbing, still laughing at something that happened fifteen minutes ago (bare in mind that this was just an example). Well, stay tuned for more "Body Wonders". From Ziggie with love!

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