Hey Zigglets!
I'll be honest, I'm not going to miss anything about 2011. I don't think there's anything I can highlight as being exceptional and life changing. However, I'm pretty thankful for the blessings that came with 2011. I'm thankful for my family, my friends, my sanity and my blog. I'm really excited about the next year as I have so many hopes and wishes for it.
Thank you for following me and my randomness in the year 2011. I really appreciate the visits and the comments and hopefully next year will bring with it more posts from yours truly! :)
Until next time...bye 2011 *waves*
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Um, Where's the Guitar Solo?
The question has been gnawing at the back of my mind for quite some time. Is rock evolution causing the dissolution of the quintessential improv technique in a rock song? Are we losing the guitar solo?
Growing up in rock music, I’ve always known a rock song to have a guitar solo. I even coined it the ‘heart’ of a rock song. Some were wild and untamed (cue in the ‘80s hair metal era), some were just genius (Paige, Hendrix, Iommi, anyone?), and some were just so unique (Yep, Brian May). You know these are just examples of fantastic guitar players who understood what ‘being in your element’ really meant; taking the extra mile, taking a chance, showing off! Anyone remember Slash from Guns and Roses? Maybe you’ll also remember their song Sweet child o’ mine...from the guitar riff at the beginning to the that smashing guitar solo, I don’t think I need to further elaborate on that.
Whoooeee, let’s talk about the riff! Maan, oh maan! Certain songs pop into my mind: Cream- Sunshine of your love; Led Zeppelin- Whole lotta love OR Kashmir; Black Sabbath- Iron man OR Paranoid, just to name few of those that pop in my head first chance.
Fast forward to modern day ‘rock music’. Yes, it’s been spilt into several new entities. Now we have indie and emo and pop rock and goth and Pete’s pyjamas knows what else! Now, tell me, is it the same? I mean some songs will have a guitar solo lasting like two seconds and some, just progressions that are meant to be a solo. What’s happening to the rock solo? I’m just going to come out and say that these days, the musicians are not as hardcore as back in the day. Some element of passion and writing songs that really mean something, writing songs that you can feel becoming apart of you when they play, songs that give you goosebumps or make you smile just for no reason- is missing. Songs that make a difference. I’d say, today rock songs are just written to sell records and the adventure has just disappeared. Call me ignorant.
Tell me this, what will happen to our beloved “Air guitar” if we lose the rock solo? This is our culture!
Now I’m all for evolution and moving on with the times, but please rock solo, come back- improv, come back! I have a theory also gnawing at the back of my head. The future generations who really understand, are going to go back and start listening to the classics. I’m talking about ’60s, ’70s, ‘80s and ‘90s rock. You know why? They’ll be in search of that element again- the definition of rock music- the guitar solos and eloquence in music lyrics, the culture.
Alas, not all hope is lost...they call it Jack White! The man is a genius and a half and if you listen to the White Stripes or the Raconteurs or any of his music- hey, Jack White has got it going on. His guitar solos are just complex and brilliant- tell me I’m wrong! I'm not sure of any others.
Feel free to comment on this one though, where is the guitar solo disappearing to?
Monday, December 5, 2011
A Very Christmas-y month!
![]() |
A Very Christmasy hat! |
Hope I'm not too late, but my list is here and I'm ready to rock!...and do stuff. Okay introductions for this post are pretty simple and straight forward. If you're the ultimate Zigglet, you'd know that I like coming up with lists to get the month going and to repopulate my uneventful life with things to do. Because it's A very Christmasy month, we're going to have a list every week...I hope. So here's A very Christmasy list: take
1. Go out and get a job this week; preferably today...even if it's for free. Sitting at home waiting for school to resume and watching the telly all day has become old.
3. Watch Drunken Master again...(I'm still trying to figure out why people think it's the best kunfu movie ever made)
4. Start reading Daina Wynne Jones's "Year of the Griffin". It's going to be on the "Book Review" segment next week.
5. Bake, bake, bake! ...hmm, I see a carrot cake in that vision.
6. Active Sunday is back...we'll call it "Active Everyday". Yoga, aerobics, skipping rope 7 days a week. Which will bring me to a notion I want to prove. How effective is skipping rope on toning legs...well, I've got 3 weeks to prove it. I am the lab rat of course. Skipping for 15mins a day until Christmas. We gotta keep fit for that special day on the 25th (I want to eat with a clear conscience, feeling lighter- light as a feather).
There you have it. Well it's a little boring, I know...but quite eventful, you must admit. Well, I've got to go look for a job now :)See you tomorrow.
Ziggie ~~~
Ziggie ~~~
Friday, December 2, 2011
Book Review: Withering Tights
Author: Louise Rennison
Rating: 3/5
Withering Tights is a bubbly story that follows fourteen year old Tallulah Casey who is obsessed with her long legs and 'knobbly' knees, as she puts it. She embarks on an at adventure at a summer acting college, Dother Hall for a course. There she's hosted by a more than eccentric family, the Dobbins, and she gets much of a culture shock living in the Yorkshire country side. There she meets other crazy-bonkers teammates at Dother Hall and let the fun begin!
- Boys- check!
- Dazzling humor- check!
- Fabulosity- check!
- Rolling on the floor laughing- check, check and check!
I must admit, when I bought this book I was really skeptical about the turn out. For those who have been following the Georgia Nicholson series by this author and loved it, you'd know it to be funny, juicy and more than accommodating when it comes to addressing teenage boy crazy issues. This story is more of a spin off from Georgia as Tallulah and Georgia are cousins, and it doesn't disappoint in the funny department-at all!
However, I was a little disappointed with the story- a bit. I mean, since this is a spin-off, I kept comparing it to Georgia and to me it just didn't get to that level. Maybe it's because this is aimed at a younger audience, maybe not. Again- sometimes I couldn't help but feel like this was not so different from Georgia, Tallulah's character more especially.
I'm not suggesting that this is not good enough, it's a good read and a must have if you are a die hard fan Louise Rennison books.
-Haven't read it yet? Go out and get it. :)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Smile :)
I know it’s been a long while, but sue me for being such a procrastinator. It’s been weird, away from the writing field and my blog. I feel a sense of emptiness because something that’s a part of my life has been stopped, because of my laziness. The good news is, I’ve refuelled, and therefore, I’ve got plenty to share with you...plenty! *nods head in a weird way*.
So, it’s October, mid. I’d wanted to start this month with a bang and list all my aspirations and goals; but hey, it’s not too late I should think.
After months of reflecting, I’ve come to the conclusion that I might be too negative on life. I don’t ever like seeing the bright side of things; in fact I hate anything that’s bright! So, I’ve formulated a kind of positivity meter. Some of my friends kind of know about it because I sing the chorus every now and then. Okay, on the extreme positive side of the meter is a ‘Smile’, in the middle it’s a smirk or grin, and on the other extreme side, is pure negativity; be it depression, bad stress or just plain sadness. Ever since October started I’ve been trying to weigh the possibilities (mine), based on this meter. If I find the meter going to the negative side, I try by all means to surround myself with some positive structure; be it a laugh with good friends or just...smiling. Just get those pearly whites into shape and show them to the world! Of course people will think you’re crazy, going around smiling by yourself; but hey, who gives a hay! It’s contagious, and it makes me feel so much better in the end (OMG, I just said ‘hay’).
Smiling makes things go easier in your day...try it. If you find yourself stuck in a sitch where there’s no way out, smile. It’s like a ray of sunshine, bursting out of the darkness.
Anywho, that’s all for today folks! See ya real soon.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Happy Birthday Freddie Mercury
There's not much to be said here; just many thank yous. Thank you for the inspiration, the love and the talent; thank you for the music. Today, a great man was born, and I am forever, the biggest fan. I'll share this vid with you, my lovely readers...just listen to the lyrics, and you'll get what I'm talking about; pure, inspired genius!
Happy Birthday Freddie Mercury; Long Live the Queen!
I promise to be back soon readers, sorry for the hiatus...
~Yours, Ziggie.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Bzzzy Bees!
So um, I got home yesterday and there they were. The tree they're on is right at the main gate, so I decided to take a picture. My dad seems to think they're good luck, so we shouldn't get rid of them...I don't know. I can still remember my first bee sting ordeal. I was nine, I think and I stepped on a dead one; *the horror!*. The next encounters after that are pretty similar and as painful.
Anywho, I'm not here to talk about my unfriendly encounters with bees. I would like to talk about them metaphorically, or comparing them to real life; my life (duh!). I don't know; my knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and behaviour of bees is quite limited. The last time I studied bees specifically I was probably in junior secondary. But from what I know; there are bees which are captured for honey and those that roam around freely. Since it's winter time here, it's bee season and it comes as no surprise that I'd find a swarm perched on my tree.
Bees are really busy creatures. Looking at it like a 'Plain Jane', you'd know that their main goals are to protect the queen and make honey. Every second, they're serving a purpose. So I asked myself today; what purposeful thing did I manage to do to day? 'Something, for someone else?' What should I do, for someone else? I know it's not really the same thing; protecting a queen (just one being), and my question. Either way, the queen is being protected because she's producing more bees (Okay, that didn't help either). Anyhowz I'm just going to use it.
I've not done anything, in a while that would benefit another person who needs it. So, I'm going to think of something to do, and I'll tell you what I did in the next coming blog posts...one of them. I'm going to do something that'll help protect another human being, selflessly and guilt free...just because I saw a swarm of bees at my gate. It pretty much makes sense to me.
'Till next time...c ya! (Wait, are you still scratching you head?)
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Happy Birthday Brian May!
If you have no idea who he is, Brian May is the lead guitarist of my favourite band, Queen. I'll just like to take this time or post, to express my gratitude to all the inspiration I've obtained from just listening to him play guitar. I think out of all the guitarists I've heard play in my life, he's style is the most intelligent. It's like, I want to go out and integrate or do some maths...figuratively speaking of course. It's like I'm on a rocket, travelling to another galaxy (Hey, I call it like I see it). Please press play on the vid above and witness an amazing solo by him.
Happy Birthday, Brian May :)
'Till next time...
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Ziggie Makes: Apple Pie and Cornish Pasties
This time, it was all about working with shortcrust pastry. Which is why I made the savoury and the sweet versions.
Apple Pie
Off the record, I still can't believe I made an apple pie. This may sound weird, strange...weird, but I have an awesome kind of feeling at the pit of my stomach; I've conquered apple pie! :)
-2 cups white flour
-75g butter
-75g fat or lard
-1 teaspoon salt
-10 to 12 tablespoons of ice water
1. Mix the salt and flour.
2. Make sure your butter and fat are soft. If not, microwave until soft; however, do not melt. Rub the butter and fat into the flour until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
3. Add water and mix until a doughy mixture is formed. You can add more water if it's still too dry (teaspoon), but make sure you don't pour too much
4. Wrap dough in cling wrap and chill in the fridge for 20 minutes
Meanwhile, you make the filling.
-5 green tart apples
-1 cup sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
-1 tablespoon vinegar
-1/4 teaspoon salt
-2 tablespoons flour
-1 tablespoon lemon juice
1. Peel and slice apples (thin slices). Soak them in a large bowl filled with water and the lemon juice (this will prevent them from browning while you work)
2. In another container, mix the sugar, cinnamon, vinegar, salt and flour.
3. Once you've done that, drain and add the apples to the mixture. Mix until evenly coated with the sugar mixture.
4. Now that you're done with the filling, remove the dough from the fridge and roll out using a rolling pin. Part of the dough which is used for the base should be about 2mm thick. Roll it out onto a pie dish which should be no more than 9 inches in length.
5. Pour in the apples and level. Before covering the filling, place some butter (about 15g) cut into cubes on top.
6. Cover over the top with another batch of rolled out dough and press on the sides to close it up (use thumbs of back of knife)
7. Bake for 40-50 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius.
8. For glossiness, brush with egg white after removing from oven.
Then it's ready to enjoy!
My dad loved it! I liked the sweet and sour in it; especially from the apples.
Cornish Pasties
These are proudly British; well at least that's what I was told.
-Short crust pastry (Refer to "Crust" at Apple Pie)
-Stewing beef
-1 large potato
-1/2 onion finely chopped
-salt and pepper to taste
-1 Egg beaten.
-Ice water
1. Cook beef in water until tender.
2. Grate potato and mix with chopped onion. Mix together with the cooked stewing beef
3. Add the salt and pepper to taste
4. Roll out pastry with a rolling pin on a chopping board.
5. Use a saucer (diameter about 5cm) to cut circles into the dough (pastry)
6. Place the filling (meat mixture) in the middle of each circle. Place a small cube of butter (unsalted) onto the filling before closing.
7. Use a little ice water to dampen the edges of the dough and close the circles. (Refer to finished product above to see how it looks like closed).
8. Brush some egg onto the pasty and place each on a baking tray lined with baking sheet
9. Bake at 220 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes, then reduce your heat to 180 degrees Celsius and bake for a further 30minutes.
10. Remove from oven and serve hot or cold.
My sister said, "Hmmm! I feel like I'm about to chew my lips off. It's so smooth and just plain delicious. May I have another?" I don't need to add more to that.
So there you have it. The "Crusty-mania", I had in my kitchen. Personally from both recipes, the crust was the best part. I loved the neutral butter-ish taste it had.
So try them out or just glare at the pics...
'Till next time :)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
My New Obsession: Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)
Hello Zigglets!
I think I may have found someone to look up to in the literature part of my life; Virginia Woolf! As for those who know me really well, I'm sort of obsessed with Freddie Mercury and everything he's touched in his musical career. When it comes to music or an kind of conversation I may have with anyone concerning music, he always seems to pop up out of nowhere. (There I go again).
Anywho, this post is not about Freddie Mercury; it's about Virginia Woolf and how I'm suddenly fascinated by her life and her contributions to literature alike. I'm yet to read one her books because well, we just met. But reading her biographies on various sites in a matter of 48hours, I've come to appreciate her more than you can imagine. As an aspiring writer, I find my head flooding with all sorts of inspirations from all corners of my imagination. What I've read so far about her passion and dedication to her stories, I just feel so inspired to write with a renewed level of vigour in my passion.
All this was fuelled by a movie I watched a few days ago, The Hours starring Nicole Kidman. It was not the first time I'd watched it. The first time I saw it, I think I was 14, and I knew nothing then. If you haven't yet, you should watch it.
So when the new semester starts at school this August, I'll be in the city with a bookstore at my disposal. That's where I'm going to focus my interests, and I'm so excited, I just can't wait.
Other than that, I'm doing just fine. It's been rather cold in my area. As I write, I'm wrapped in a purple fleece blanket that I got for my birthday, with Kings of Leon playing in the background. You see, nothing's changed!
That's for this week! Enjoy the weekend ;)
I think I may have found someone to look up to in the literature part of my life; Virginia Woolf! As for those who know me really well, I'm sort of obsessed with Freddie Mercury and everything he's touched in his musical career. When it comes to music or an kind of conversation I may have with anyone concerning music, he always seems to pop up out of nowhere. (There I go again).
Anywho, this post is not about Freddie Mercury; it's about Virginia Woolf and how I'm suddenly fascinated by her life and her contributions to literature alike. I'm yet to read one her books because well, we just met. But reading her biographies on various sites in a matter of 48hours, I've come to appreciate her more than you can imagine. As an aspiring writer, I find my head flooding with all sorts of inspirations from all corners of my imagination. What I've read so far about her passion and dedication to her stories, I just feel so inspired to write with a renewed level of vigour in my passion.
All this was fuelled by a movie I watched a few days ago, The Hours starring Nicole Kidman. It was not the first time I'd watched it. The first time I saw it, I think I was 14, and I knew nothing then. If you haven't yet, you should watch it.
So when the new semester starts at school this August, I'll be in the city with a bookstore at my disposal. That's where I'm going to focus my interests, and I'm so excited, I just can't wait.
Other than that, I'm doing just fine. It's been rather cold in my area. As I write, I'm wrapped in a purple fleece blanket that I got for my birthday, with Kings of Leon playing in the background. You see, nothing's changed!
That's for this week! Enjoy the weekend ;)
Thursday, July 7, 2011
-Erik-Michael Estrada
-Dan Miller
-Trevor Penick
-Jacob Underwood
-Ashley Parker Angel
What happened to O-Town? That's a good question. If you don't really know them, I don't blame you. They had only three hits, according to my musical knowledge. They were not as popular as other boybands of their time, like *Nsync and the Backstreet Boys. Anyway, O-Town was formed through a competition called "Making the Band". This was the first season of the program, and yes, I watched it. The funny thing is, after O-Town released their début single, I had no idea it was the guys from "Making the Band"...until someone told me.
The band's biggest hit, and my favourite song was "All or Nothing" (video). I literally used to wait for this song on music channels and radio stations just to hear it. Although I personally feel that it was deprived airtime, I waited! I was around eleven or twelve, I think.
They dissembled in 2003 and apparently they are reuniting this year; I don't know. But hey, we'll see.
'Till next time ;)
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Ziggie Makes: Borscht (Version 1)
This is beetroot soup!
I decided to make 2 versions of this soup; one without meat and one with meat (tomorrow).Ingredients:
*3 medium beetroots
*1.250L of water
*1/2 large onion finely chopped
*1/4 tsp pepper
*1 tsp salt
*1/4 pint sour cream
*1 1/2 tblsp flour
*1/2 cup milk
*1 tsp vinegar to taste
Wash beetroot thoroughly and cook in water until tender. Remove beet from heat; peel and grate them. Keep the water you cooked them in because you're still going to use it. Add chopped onion, beet, pepper and salt into the beet water. Meanwhile, add sour cream, flour, milk and vinegar together, and mix until smooth. Add the sour cream mixture into beet mixture and stir. Place it back onto heat but make sure it does not boil.
Serve with mashed potatoes.
Then it's ready to enjoy!
So my sister thought it tasted good, or at least she pretended to. I thought it was just plain disgusting. I'll see what the meaty one tastes like tomorrow.
See ya laters!
Friday, July 1, 2011
I Don't Know What To Call This One
I know I've neglected this blog in the month of June and I've no excuse. I'm just one big procrastinator who spends the whole day in her pyjamas, reading people's histories on Wikipedia!
I had my 21st birthday party last Saturday, and the red shoes in the picture...yes, I was wearing 'em. I can't post pics of the event because in all honesty, they don't look good. I was wearing makeup for the very first time and I didn't like the way I looked...story of my life. As for how the party was, I'll let those who attended be the judge!
Anywho, since it's the 1st, I'm actually going to give you a conclusion to my list of things to do in the month of June. It was just terrible sticking to the list, but I think I accomplished 90% of it. It's not that bad. I think I'll make another for the month of July.
From the last time I posted on Random Ramblings, I just have one piece of advice to give: Don't leave commitments until the last minute. I always do that at school with my essays and lab reports, but this week I learnt the hard way by messing up a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm still quite depressed, actually.
Today's my little sister's birthday, it's also a national holiday....
Happy birthday, Sebotha!
'Till I post again, see ya!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I'll say it with you; "What happened to B2K???"
Group Members
-Lil Fizz
B2K was founded in 2001 and had a considerable amount of success. With hits like Bump, Bump, Bump and Girlfriend, yes I can mention them! I was a fan of these fellas! It has to be said, these brotherz were smooth! I think they did a good job of transporting RnB into the new mellenium. For me to listen to RnB at that age (I was 12 until 14 when they were active), an act had to really bring it! I say this because that's the time I feel I was an obsessed die hard for rock music. I made an exception for them and I was really sad when they ended. The group dissembled in 2004 actually. Currently it's survived by it's two members, Lil Fizz and J-Boog. I don't know what they're up to, but hey, that's all I could find out.
Until next time XD
Sunday, June 19, 2011
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2" Trailer 1
I seriously can't wait for this. But it's kind of sad that this is the last instalment. I'm going to miss waiting for a new Harry Potter movie!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
The universe and it's wonders.
Hello there!
So I, as well as many other people on this planet, got to witness the lunar eclipse that occurred the other day. I think out of most people and my entire family, I was so stoked to witness it. I mean it's not the first eclipse I've seen, but the last ones I saw, I was so young but equally excited! The feeling I got is like something I can't explain and for sure, I've never wanted a telescope more in my life. Like that was the night to have one of those in your room. I tried to take pics though. Even though it's winter here and it was really cold that night, I wanted nothing more to sleep under the stars and not take my eyes off of it...
The explanation behind this phenomenon is that the moon passes behind the earth, such that the earth is blocking the sun's rays from striking the moon. Obviously, there has to be a full moon for this to occur. The difference between a solar (sun) eclipse and a lunar eclipse among others, is that a lunar can occur for a few hours whereas the solar only takes a few minutes. Hmm...
The weird thing about all of this, is that a friend of mine's grandmother said that lunar eclipses often foretell or mean that an important leader is going to die. Creepy! But what do you know; I watched the 7 o'clock news earlier tonight and they announced the death of former notorious Zambian president, Fredrick Chiluba. Is it just a coincidence? I don't know. I'm not going to rule out the possibility that the old woman is right. I think that there might be something to look into here. We shouldn't chuck our traditions away. I was sitting in the living room with an OMG look on my face.
So the next total lunar eclipse will occur in December, but it won't be visible in my area.
See ya!
So I, as well as many other people on this planet, got to witness the lunar eclipse that occurred the other day. I think out of most people and my entire family, I was so stoked to witness it. I mean it's not the first eclipse I've seen, but the last ones I saw, I was so young but equally excited! The feeling I got is like something I can't explain and for sure, I've never wanted a telescope more in my life. Like that was the night to have one of those in your room. I tried to take pics though. Even though it's winter here and it was really cold that night, I wanted nothing more to sleep under the stars and not take my eyes off of it...
This was 3/4 along. I just loved this visual; it looked like coffee had spilt on the moon. Beautiful. |
The weird thing about all of this, is that a friend of mine's grandmother said that lunar eclipses often foretell or mean that an important leader is going to die. Creepy! But what do you know; I watched the 7 o'clock news earlier tonight and they announced the death of former notorious Zambian president, Fredrick Chiluba. Is it just a coincidence? I don't know. I'm not going to rule out the possibility that the old woman is right. I think that there might be something to look into here. We shouldn't chuck our traditions away. I was sitting in the living room with an OMG look on my face.
So the next total lunar eclipse will occur in December, but it won't be visible in my area.
See ya!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
S Club 7
Back in the "bubblegum pop" era, there was Britney Spears, Nsync, Backstreet boys, Jessica Simpson etc. They were all American. Then there was S Club 7...they were British and they were hot!
-Tina Barrett
-Paul Cattermole
-Bradley McIntonsh
-Rachel Stevens
-Jon Lee
-Jo O'Meara
-Hanna Spearritt
I remember that my favourite members were Hanna and Bradley. I don't know why, I just liked them! The band was formed in 1997 (yep, it was defos in the bubblegum pop era). The band was formed after auditioning thousands of hopefuls. After the formation, they brought many catchy tunes to the table, catchy enough to grab my attention as an 8 year old. You have to understand that the kids today have Hanna Montana and all those Disney musicians, I loved S Club 7. They had hit musical tv series that were fun and entertaining to me after school, and their songs were great!
...So, where are they? Well, it's obvious the group broke up ( it was all over the news). The buzz around the group also just disappeared. Around 2004, the group split and were never heard from again...well, from my side of the world that is.
Apparently, in 2008, the group started performing again as S Club 3, with only 3 of the members. They are still performing today and well, it was worth remembering them.
What are your fondest memories of S Club 7?
Back in the "bubblegum pop" era, there was Britney Spears, Nsync, Backstreet boys, Jessica Simpson etc. They were all American. Then there was S Club 7...they were British and they were hot!
-Tina Barrett
-Paul Cattermole
-Bradley McIntonsh
-Rachel Stevens
-Jon Lee
-Jo O'Meara
-Hanna Spearritt
I remember that my favourite members were Hanna and Bradley. I don't know why, I just liked them! The band was formed in 1997 (yep, it was defos in the bubblegum pop era). The band was formed after auditioning thousands of hopefuls. After the formation, they brought many catchy tunes to the table, catchy enough to grab my attention as an 8 year old. You have to understand that the kids today have Hanna Montana and all those Disney musicians, I loved S Club 7. They had hit musical tv series that were fun and entertaining to me after school, and their songs were great!
...So, where are they? Well, it's obvious the group broke up ( it was all over the news). The buzz around the group also just disappeared. Around 2004, the group split and were never heard from again...well, from my side of the world that is.
Apparently, in 2008, the group started performing again as S Club 3, with only 3 of the members. They are still performing today and well, it was worth remembering them.
What are your fondest memories of S Club 7?
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Ziggie Makes: Easy Chocolate Brownies
Since one of my favourite things in the world is chocolate, why not abuse it a little! This is my improvised brownie recipe.
You will need:
1. 150g unsalted butter
2. 3/4 cup of castor sugar
3. 200g of dark chocolate
4. 100g of white chocolate
5. 100g of nuts milk chocolate *
6. 2 large eggs
7. 1/4 cup self raising flour
8. 1 cup plain flour
9. 3 tblsp of dessicated coconut
Tip: If you don't have self raising flour, simply add a pinch of salt and 2 1/2 tsp of baking powder to 500g of plain flour. (Store away the left over for next time).
*This is optional if you don't like nuts. You can use other chocolate varieties with fruit or caramel or biscuit...anything you like.
1. Add the sugar, chopped butter and chopped dark chocolate into a saucepan and heat moderately while stirring for 2 to 3 minutes...or at least until the chocolate melts. Leave mixture to cool for 15minutes.
2. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
3. Grease an oven tray which is about 28x20 cm base and 3cm deep with butter and then align baking sheet onto the tray. Make sure the ends of the sheet are in excess of about 2cm above the edge of the tray.
4. After the chocolate mixture has cooled, add the eggs and flours and mix until smooth batter. (I used a whisk to mix; don't ask me why.)
5. Chop the white chocolate and nuts chocolate and fold them, along with the coconut, into batter.
6. Bake for 25 minutes or until crumbs appear when poked with a skewer.
7. Cool and serve with a dash of whipped fresh cream **
**Well, these are honestly really sweet, the cream tones it down a notch for those who can't handle it.
Taster: Hmm, these are fantastic. They'd really fix me up during my chocolate cravings!
There you have it. Join me again next week for another fun recipe. For any questions you might have, leave a comment.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Happy 21st Ziggie!
Happy Birthday!!!!
Yo zigglets!
I"ma rockin' the adult age now. I'm cruising with the legals. I'm officially 'age independent'. I'm 21! It's kind of strange because 2minutes ago, I was 10years with big dreams of one day becoming an artist...This one was bit bittersweet for me, chummettes. Part of me doesn't want to grow up just yet.
Anyhoo, don't worry about meh, because I'm embracing and lovin' the gift of life. I'm so determined now to break out of my cocoon and spread my wings! "I'm a squirrel!".
So, as per tradition, I was able to pave tips for the average 21 year old without a life. I'd like to brand it, "How to deal with your 21st birthday if your life is uneventful and the day of your birthday, is a Monday; and if you spend your days in a robe and your pyjamas in front of the telly all day!"
Okay, that was a little too long of a title, but hey if you get the gist and you can relate, that's my intention.
1. Clear your inbox the previous night to make space of the messages you'll be receiving from friends afar. Also, bone up on airtime so that you can reply those messages with ease
2.When the clock strikes 12midnight, turn on your favourite song and break it down! Celebrate! (I jammed to Young Knives- Turn Tail, MGMT- Time to pretend, and Evermore- Hey Boys and Girls. They are not really up tempo, but I did break a sweat or two)
3. If your friends are into that sort of thing, you've probably already started receiving many messages wishing you well at 12midnight. Slap a smile on that face and reply, reply, reply!
4.Go to sleep, you have a big day ahead of you.
5.Wake up early, this is no ordinary day, that deserves a person in your situation to be waking up at 10am as always.
6. Do something productive...anything, for the first hour after you wake up. (I cleaned my room. Honestly, the dust was depressing me). You can walk the dog or take a jog or something to get you up.
5. Watch another hour of television then you can decide on an outfit to wear. (Yes, you're going out in the next hour or so, which is why you need the telly to help you make the idea sink in.)
6. If it took you three hours to find something to wear, it's okay; it's a common problem. So, go out and paint the town red! If you live in a dead village like mine with no cool hangouts, grab a friend and go window shopping! Or better yet, visit a Chinese restaurant or get some chicken wings. (I went window shopping, I'm too broke to go all out)
7.Return home and spend the rest of the day with your friend. You can take a 15minute power nap while they watch a movie. I mean, by golly! you've been up practically all night answering to your messages and dancing to celebrate. You'll still be receiving messages. Your phone is, for a change, a hotline! Embrace it, love it!
8. After your friend leaves, it's time to crack your knuckles and check out your birthday wishes on Facebook! and any other social site which knows of your birthday. It's okay to break up with joy as you reply to the messages. It's a wonderful feeling to know that the nation out there appreciates and absolutely loves you.
9. The most important tip of all of this is to make sure you spend time with your family, even grandma; to get that warm and fuzzy tingle in your stomach. If you didn't get a cake, make one. But if they bought you one, enjoy it and don't worry about those extra calories. Heck, if they have some snacks and jolly goods with the cake, hey, don't 'hesitate to participate', you'll worry about your possible weight gain tomorrow. Eat!
10. If the folks promised you a party in the weekend or whenever, wait for it patiently with a smile on your face because that's where the real fun is going to come from.
11. Lastly, when it's time for bed, go to sleep when the clock strikes midnight again. An incredibly boring yet special day has ended. It's time to smile and rest because your routine of a life resumes the next day.
Happy birthday!
So there you have it. More life saving tips from yours truly! :)
See ya real soon!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
12 Things Ziggie Should Do In The Month Of June
Hey there!
I know that it's not exactly Friday, but hey, I'm here with my list of activities. I feel like I'm part of Phineas and Ferb when I make this list. Except none of my activities are over the top! or as exciting...in fact they are quite boring. I've done a list before to keep me entertained. I just hope I follow this one
1. Clear some messages in my inbox, to make space for the birthday messages I'll be getting on my phone on Monday from my loving dear friends.
2. Listen to the new Paramore single which will be out June 7th apparently
I know that it's not exactly Friday, but hey, I'm here with my list of activities. I feel like I'm part of Phineas and Ferb when I make this list. Except none of my activities are over the top! or as exciting...in fact they are quite boring. I've done a list before to keep me entertained. I just hope I follow this one
1. Clear some messages in my inbox, to make space for the birthday messages I'll be getting on my phone on Monday from my loving dear friends.
3. Learn to play Sunshine of your love and Icky Thump on my new electric guitar.( I need luck for this one).
4. Write at least 3 children short stories so that I can familiarize myself to that category. Also, make them as African and original as possible. All this before the 20th.
5. Edit my novel manuscript that I wrote a few years ago. My writing has improved since then, so it deserves some tweaking.
6. Google notes on how to write a great play. I will need this once I begin writing my play in July.
7. Ziggie! wake up every morning before 9am and do some stretches or exercises, you're out of shape. (I know this because I almost died attempting to dance to Beyonce's Single Ladies in high heels (they were not that high) the other day)
8. Even though it's winter, drink lots of water because apparently it's good for the skin
9. Begin my cooking experience at a restaurant or bakery. This is going towards my culinary school dream
9. Begin my cooking experience at a restaurant or bakery. This is going towards my culinary school dream
10. Speaking of culinary and winter, make some heart warming dishes at home and post them on this blog. (I can't wait for this one)
11. Open a savings account for a road trip I want to take in December...I deserve a vacation
12. Go to church every Sunday beginning next week. I need to get closer to my spiritual side. Oh and to stop believing so much in astrology. I may be a Gemini, but the things they predict for me are sometimes either ridiculous or they don't happen.
Okay, there you have it. This list is quite manageable and a month is more than enough to have this covered. *sigh* I wish it had some bungee jumping in it, but hey, I'm broke and it shall only remain in my suppressed "adrenalin rush" personality.
12. Go to church every Sunday beginning next week. I need to get closer to my spiritual side. Oh and to stop believing so much in astrology. I may be a Gemini, but the things they predict for me are sometimes either ridiculous or they don't happen.
Okay, there you have it. This list is quite manageable and a month is more than enough to have this covered. *sigh* I wish it had some bungee jumping in it, but hey, I'm broke and it shall only remain in my suppressed "adrenalin rush" personality.
Got's to go!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
It's the 1st of June...'sup?
It's the first of the month! Some of us without lives will try to start it off with a bang! Yes, I went to collect my "second born" at the store today. Oh, she's a beaut'! I've decided to name her Liberty or Libby, for short because well, I'm pretty sure that's how she's going to make me feel when I play her...I'm love with my first electric guitar! I'd already started learning some TABS on my acoustic, but now it's going to feel real, you know.
I still don't know what to make of this month. It's my birthday month so I want it to be extra special and spicy. I intend on posting my official to-do list on Friday and adding some zoosh! to this blog since some segments have fallen behind.
Phew, so now that the slate's been wiped clean; what are your intentions for the month of June? So far, I have purchased my first electric guitar! *crosses it off list*
See's ya!...
It's the first of the month! Some of us without lives will try to start it off with a bang! Yes, I went to collect my "second born" at the store today. Oh, she's a beaut'! I've decided to name her Liberty or Libby, for short because well, I'm pretty sure that's how she's going to make me feel when I play her...I'm love with my first electric guitar! I'd already started learning some TABS on my acoustic, but now it's going to feel real, you know.
That's Liberty |
I still don't know what to make of this month. It's my birthday month so I want it to be extra special and spicy. I intend on posting my official to-do list on Friday and adding some zoosh! to this blog since some segments have fallen behind.
Phew, so now that the slate's been wiped clean; what are your intentions for the month of June? So far, I have purchased my first electric guitar! *crosses it off list*
See's ya!...
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The Wednesday Tales: The Palace Of Laughter (No.1)
Author: Jon Berkeley
Rating: 3/6
This is a story about a young orphan, Miles Wednesday. He lives in a barrel with his stuffed bear, Tangerine, which lives in his coat pocket. Miles decides to attend a circus show one day which shows up in his town, when he meets an unusual little girl with wings. The girl is called 'Little". One thing leads to another and after Miles rescues Little from the perils of the circus, they embark on a journey to rescue Little's friend and Miles's bear, who have both been captured by the circus. Their journey brings them countless adventurous encounters including riding on a talking tiger.
Okay, there are two ways to look at this story:
1. You are insanely imaginative and are into this sort of stuff...you know, talking tigers; flying little girls, etc.
2. You are not insanely into this sort of stuff but however, you entertain it sometimes.
I fall into the second category. I was honestly disappointed by this book. You want to know why? I read it for two whole months, that's why! For the first time, I made excuses to put down a book and take a nap...for two months! I'm not saying it's a terrible read. No. In fact, the storyline is quite good and the author articulates his words in a rather commendable manner. It started off with a bang! and I was really hyped with all the suspense and what not...but aye, as it continued it just went downhill (the hype). I think though that there was no zoosh! as it continued. It did not spark my interest. Too much was happening and it was over-exaggerated. Again, this is probably just a matter of taste though. Some people (like me) hate onions, while others eat them like an apple (this is relevant, right?).
Anywho, what I'm trying to say is, if you are a die hard adventure-fantasy loving reader; then this is for you. If you aren't, then I suggest you don't waste your money on buying book no.2.
So does Ziggie recommend this one? Err...if you must!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Stacie Orrico
OMG, I loved this girl! What ever happened to dear Stacie Orrico? She was so big during MTVs 'TRL' era and then she just disappeared off the scene. Those kinds of scenarios are called one hit wonders I think.
The 25 year old Seattle born Stacie first graced my playlist with her hit song, Stuck. It was so catchy and I thought it wasn't half bad...the charts thought so as well. It was her song- and video for the song- (There's Gotta Be) More To Life, that had me in awe of her talent and star quality. These were all from her self title album Stacie Orrico. Where is she? That's a good question!
Apparently Stacie decided to leave the music biz after a while- yes, she quit. She has since volunteered in South Africa to help children with AIDS (you go girl!) and now she lives in New York.
...well, that's all for today!
The 25 year old Seattle born Stacie first graced my playlist with her hit song, Stuck. It was so catchy and I thought it wasn't half bad...the charts thought so as well. It was her song- and video for the song- (There's Gotta Be) More To Life, that had me in awe of her talent and star quality. These were all from her self title album Stacie Orrico. Where is she? That's a good question!
Apparently Stacie decided to leave the music biz after a while- yes, she quit. She has since volunteered in South Africa to help children with AIDS (you go girl!) and now she lives in New York.
...well, that's all for today!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The Curse!
I just had a major announcement to make. I was going to wait until Friday but I can’t hold it in. People, dear readers, chummettes; I would like to announce that my manuscript, Bridge Over Paradise, which I’ve been working on for almost a year now, has finally been completed. Yes, it’s true! I want to sing and dance and twirl around in little circles on the same spot because I feel independent again. I feel alive, like the pressure has been relieved off my brain and thoughts and dreams.
Believe it or not, it has just over 60000 words (disappointing, but it's a start), I haven’t edited it yet (I read somewhere that you should wait a few days after completing a novel before you can edit it…what? I want to see where this’ll go). I would love to tell you what it’s all about, I do, but I honestly don’t think you’re here to read synopsis’s (is that right?) to my work. I’ve no official plans for the manuscript. It was my first take on Fantasy so I’ll probably keep it, revise it and use it for future projects in that genre.
I just want to mention what a curse having the knack for writing is. I don’t know about other writers, but sometimes working on a long piece of writing for so many months tends to be a chore for me. I’m under a lot of pressure to see things work out and to finish what I started. Sometimes I get writers block, then I have to wait for it to go away, but that could take a long time; then I’m stressed again. It’s a never ending rollercoaster, but I must finish. I think what you must also understand is that, in as much as it’s interesting for the reader to reach the climax of a story and find out what happens in the end, the writer also feels the same way. I also want to find out what happens in the end or how I’m going to end. It’s an adventure for me too, so I have to complete it.
Another thing, I have to always be writing. I finished writing this manuscript in the wee hours of the morning…okay, it was 11 in the morning; and already, I’m planning my next story and short stories that are going to come in between. Advantageous it may be, but writing is a curse!
Who’s with me? (…anyone?)
Monday, May 23, 2011
Smash Mouth
-Steve Harwell
-Greg Camp
-Paul De Lisle
-Randy Cooke
What ever happened to Smash Mouth? That's a good question. This American pop rock band, which was formed in 1994, had popular hits like 'All Star' and 'I'm a believer'. I don't care who you are, but if you were a fan on teen high school movies during the early 2000s and you've watched the first Shrek, you know Smash Mouth...or at least their songs. Anyhoo, after so many years, and band member changes, the band is still alive and kicking (who knew?). Apparently they are set to release a new album July this year, something reminiscent of their earlier material.
They are worth mentioning because, well, they had some pretty catchy tunes back in the day. We'll just have to see if this new album will put them back on the charts again and in our playlists.
-Steve Harwell
-Greg Camp
-Paul De Lisle
-Randy Cooke
What ever happened to Smash Mouth? That's a good question. This American pop rock band, which was formed in 1994, had popular hits like 'All Star' and 'I'm a believer'. I don't care who you are, but if you were a fan on teen high school movies during the early 2000s and you've watched the first Shrek, you know Smash Mouth...or at least their songs. Anyhoo, after so many years, and band member changes, the band is still alive and kicking (who knew?). Apparently they are set to release a new album July this year, something reminiscent of their earlier material.
They are worth mentioning because, well, they had some pretty catchy tunes back in the day. We'll just have to see if this new album will put them back on the charts again and in our playlists.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Hello people of the world!
...speaking of the world, it looks like it didn't end today. Oh well, we move on then from the madness we have to be exposed to day in and day out. Well, what I have to say today is very random, hence the title. I just didn't know what to call this post.
Since I'm quite bored most of the time, I (today):
- Counted the number if Saltwater Girl magazines I have. They totalled 26. (Don't take that number lightly. It's a lotta money!)
- I arranged the magazines in preferential order and well...I have quite a collection.
- Wrote in my journal (it's quite useless because I practically write about the same thing- how bored I am)
- Attempted to count the number pairs of shoes I have. That failed because they are just dumped in one area on top of each other. (Forgive me if I'd rather do something else like stare at my nails than placing my shoes in a neat file).
-I stared at other things I could count in my room but fell asleep in the process.
*Are you bored of reading this? I feel drowsy just writing it.
I went to the city earlier today with my mom and sister. I think shopping makes me feel better about myself, honestly! I mean, I felt fantastic and well rested in my mind (until I got back home and started counting things). Does that mean I'm a shopaholic in the making? Maybe so, but I'm definitely feeling the therapy. If only I had unlimited access to money...wait, then shopping would bore me because I'd afford anything I wanted! Err...?
Join me next time, right here on Ziggie Talk!
Happy Weekend.
...speaking of the world, it looks like it didn't end today. Oh well, we move on then from the madness we have to be exposed to day in and day out. Well, what I have to say today is very random, hence the title. I just didn't know what to call this post.
Since I'm quite bored most of the time, I (today):
- Counted the number if Saltwater Girl magazines I have. They totalled 26. (Don't take that number lightly. It's a lotta money!)
- I arranged the magazines in preferential order and well...I have quite a collection.
- Wrote in my journal (it's quite useless because I practically write about the same thing- how bored I am)
- Attempted to count the number pairs of shoes I have. That failed because they are just dumped in one area on top of each other. (Forgive me if I'd rather do something else like stare at my nails than placing my shoes in a neat file).
-I stared at other things I could count in my room but fell asleep in the process.
*Are you bored of reading this? I feel drowsy just writing it.
I went to the city earlier today with my mom and sister. I think shopping makes me feel better about myself, honestly! I mean, I felt fantastic and well rested in my mind (until I got back home and started counting things). Does that mean I'm a shopaholic in the making? Maybe so, but I'm definitely feeling the therapy. If only I had unlimited access to money...wait, then shopping would bore me because I'd afford anything I wanted! Err...?
Join me next time, right here on Ziggie Talk!
Happy Weekend.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Just Go With it
Rating: 5/6
Even though it was over a month ago, I did watch, Just Go With It. I have to say, I was blown away. I thought it was bloody fantastic! Hilarious. However, I am a little biased on this decision because I love Adam Sandler movies. So I'd only recommend this (if you haven't watched it, that is), to the die hard fan of Adam.
So Adam plays a plastic surgeon, also a player (he wears a fake wedding band to con women into sleeping with him), who meets the love of his life one day. Well, to explain his fake wedding ring, he creates a fake family with J. Aniston (his assistant), who plays his 'soon to be ex-wife'. He successfully manages to convince this other woman of his supposed life but eventually ends up falling for Aniston.
Yes, I understand that the movie is predictable and the plot is really weak. However, the movie's humour covers up for everything and it's a good watch overall. Besides, who doesn't have a softie for a good chick flick, eh?
Ziggie recommends!
C ya...
Monday, May 16, 2011
Bubba Sparxxx
What ever happened to Bubba Sparxxx? Remember him? The rapper back in the day who had catchy hits like 'Ugly' with Missy Elliot. Who can forget 'Deliverance'? Gosh I loved that song so-so much and I still do.
Born Warren Anderson Mathis, he grew up in a rural area in Georgia. Bubba was a cool dude during his reigning era (the early 2000), working with the likes of Timbaland and of course Missy. After that he pretty much went under the radar. However, he's been pretty active all this time releasing a couple of albums and also starting his own record label. He's due to release another album this year.
I think he's a one hit wonder; but we remember him...right?
What ever happened to Bubba Sparxxx? Remember him? The rapper back in the day who had catchy hits like 'Ugly' with Missy Elliot. Who can forget 'Deliverance'? Gosh I loved that song so-so much and I still do.
Born Warren Anderson Mathis, he grew up in a rural area in Georgia. Bubba was a cool dude during his reigning era (the early 2000), working with the likes of Timbaland and of course Missy. After that he pretty much went under the radar. However, he's been pretty active all this time releasing a couple of albums and also starting his own record label. He's due to release another album this year.
I think he's a one hit wonder; but we remember him...right?
Saturday, May 14, 2011
…Well, I did apologize in my last post. Talkers, Talkeroos; I was almost declared insane by the pros. This exam period was not only hectic, but it was annoying. Alas, my entire schedule got thrown off balance and I let myself go. So, I’m sorry for not posting.
Anyhoo, there are going to be yet some more changes around here. Since I’m no longer in the city (thank Petes of Fleming!) I no longer have access to people and my model. So, I’ll have to replace those segments with something else. I also won’t be posting everyday of the week because there is no life here were I live. Everything is dry like toast with no jam!
Enough about me and my disorganized blog…now, we’ll talk about just me. Huh! I’m home, finally. A lot has happened since we last talked. My lappy crashed for the first time in its existence with me. Thank goodness I bought an external hard drive a week earlier and saved my stuff. Who’d have known that these expensive gadgets could be quite important? So please, if your work is important to you, go and get security. I almost lost the novel I’m working on to that defect. But, my slate was wiped clean and now my lappy is faster, due to the fact that it’s not so congested with useless programs and docs.
I bought yet another Queen poster, oh- and the Ramones. My room looks awesome! I also bought me an electric guitar. I think I’ll name it Jupiter or Uranus, or after something from the galaxy. It’s funny how things from outer space have really cool names if you think about it.
So, I’ll see ya on another time where I’ll be reviewing something to fill up the non existent schedule in my uneventful life. Hopefully I finish my year long novel. I have other projects that need to be fulfilled. Hmm, I think I’ll write a list again…
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
I Apologise
Hey there!
I know, I know... I haven't posted in a while. I'm just so overwhelmed with my tests and the upcoming exam period! Everything is just too much and posting has sort of taken the back seat. I'll make an effort, but I'm pretty sure this will go on into next week or so. I'm really sorry, mates and dudettes.
See ya on the other side! :)
I know, I know... I haven't posted in a while. I'm just so overwhelmed with my tests and the upcoming exam period! Everything is just too much and posting has sort of taken the back seat. I'll make an effort, but I'm pretty sure this will go on into next week or so. I'm really sorry, mates and dudettes.
See ya on the other side! :)
Friday, April 1, 2011
And the Winner Is....
Hello people!
So, I found this on Google (the generator thing). I just Googled "random number generator" and Bob's your uncle I found this! Amazing, right? Anyway, the winner for March's compo cannot be decided on judgement because it was an opinionated discussion. So, I'm randomly picking the winner. Since there were 4 comments, the winner is....
Number 3. Number three on the Competition post is Loago! Congrats. So send me your deetz on my email. Btw, when I generated the number, it read 3; in case you were wondering.
So, I found this on Google (the generator thing). I just Googled "random number generator" and Bob's your uncle I found this! Amazing, right? Anyway, the winner for March's compo cannot be decided on judgement because it was an opinionated discussion. So, I'm randomly picking the winner. Since there were 4 comments, the winner is....
Number 3. Number three on the Competition post is Loago! Congrats. So send me your deetz on my email. Btw, when I generated the number, it read 3; in case you were wondering.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Interview 7
Name: Leatile Sedabadi
Age: 21
Hometown: Tonota
Favourite Musician/ Band: Jay-Z
Favourite Book: The Partner by John Grihsman
Favourite Food: Rice and red meat (seswaa, serobe)
Hobbies: Watching television, playing video games, criticizing stuff.
Faculty: Medical and Health Sciences
Major: Bachelor of Medicine/ Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
Year: 2
ZT: Describe what you study.
LS: Human Anatomy, structure, physiology, function of the human body, pathology (abnormal functioning and treatment of those abnormalities), statistics, analysing data and research. Basically, a lot of things based on the biology of the human body.
ZT: What do you intend on doing on doing after graduating?
LS: Working as an intern for a year, then 2 years as a Medical Officer and hopefully back to school again to study internal medicine
ZT: Would you recommend your course to others?
LS: Yes. It’s exciting, knowing the unknowing and playing God.
ZT: When you were around the age of 8, did you ever dream of doing what you’re doing now?
LS: No, I wanted to be an inventor. I used to ruin all my toys trying to invent something super!
ZT: Any hidden talents?
LS: I’m very manipulative.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Rating: 5/6
Okay, I admit that I'm a sucker for Disney movies. This was just awesome! Funny and awesome, just what I needed to lift my spirits. It's full of colour and magic and texture and wit! I think it's already on DVD now worldwide, but it just finished at cinemas in my country so...way to be behind, eh?
I'll see you next time!
Friday, March 25, 2011
To Clone Or Not To Clone?
So we were discussing in a genetics lab the other day...okay, more like arguing! Is it right to clone people? In biochemistry, people clone animals. It's become a natural habit to make exact copies of animals, like diary cows for example, so as to increase the yield or milk produced. This is based on a particular trait they have in their genes, like being capable of producing this many litres of milk per day or something. Now what if it were done on people? Let's say your beloved is killed by a freak accident or an illness...your child or your spouse? The good people in the world like Nelson Mandela or Albert Einstein? Would it be right to make exact copies of them? I mean, it is possible to do so.
You want to know what I think? You can clone someone, be it your child or what not, after they die; but you'll never actually get them back. You can engineer the same person genetically, and they'll come back exactly the same- image wise- but they'll never be that person you're trying to imitate; be it personality and behaviour. Another thing, it's morally wrong to try and clone a person, it's so unnatural and there's no purpose for it!
So, what'd you think?
So we were discussing in a genetics lab the other day...okay, more like arguing! Is it right to clone people? In biochemistry, people clone animals. It's become a natural habit to make exact copies of animals, like diary cows for example, so as to increase the yield or milk produced. This is based on a particular trait they have in their genes, like being capable of producing this many litres of milk per day or something. Now what if it were done on people? Let's say your beloved is killed by a freak accident or an illness...your child or your spouse? The good people in the world like Nelson Mandela or Albert Einstein? Would it be right to make exact copies of them? I mean, it is possible to do so.
You want to know what I think? You can clone someone, be it your child or what not, after they die; but you'll never actually get them back. You can engineer the same person genetically, and they'll come back exactly the same- image wise- but they'll never be that person you're trying to imitate; be it personality and behaviour. Another thing, it's morally wrong to try and clone a person, it's so unnatural and there's no purpose for it!
So, what'd you think?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Interview 6
Name: Lone Segajane
Age: 21
Hometown: Serowe
Favourite Musician/ Band: 50 cent
Favourite Book: I hate reading
Hobbies: Driving, playing cricket (I practice with the national team), and drinking
Faculty: Engineering
Major: Architecture
Year: 1
ZT: Describe what you study.
LS: My course involves drawing and modelling houses or buildings; studying and analysing them.
ZT: What do you intend on doing on doing after graduating?
LS: I’d like to continue with school in the faculty of business or doing something business related.
ZT: Would you recommend your course to others?
LS: No. The market is very saturated. To get a job you have to go to the government and they only look for skilful architects. In order to be independent in the field, you need masters. Another thing, this course is hard. You need to be creative in their way. All they do is to guide you to be creative but they don’t tell you how to.
ZT: When you were around the age of 8, did you ever dream of doing what you’re doing now?
LS: No. I’ve always had a business mind and wanted to be self employed.
ZT: Any hidden talents?
LS: Hmmm....
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Conrad's Fate
Rating: 6/6
Author: Diana Wynne Jones
Brilliant! This is what I like to call “Brilled to perfection”. I mean there’s nothing more to be said, that could further enunciate the genius behind this book. I couldn’t put it down all weekend! My conscience kept on telling me to put it down and study, but my curiosity wouldn’t let me.
Okay, this story is about a young Conrad Grant. He lives with his Uncle Alfred, mother and sister in a bookshop located in a place called Stallchester. He’s a very good willed boy, but things are always going bad for him in his life. So his uncle Alfred, who’s a magician, predicts that he has bad karma, from his past life. This is because he was supposed to get rid of someone in his past life but failed to. So he’s sent up to Stallery Mansion, a magical fortress which has power over the whole town, to find the person whom he was supposed to kill in his past life, and who is ultimately causing his bad fate.
Are you with me so far?
Well, he goes up to the castle where he competes for a job as a footman in search of the person he’s supposed to kill. He meets another young boy, Christopher Chant, and they embark on an adventure, to try and figure out the weird things that happen in Stallery which ultimately affect the whole town of Stallchester.
Now, this story was quite intelligently written. The way things turn out in the end; it’s a mind blower, I didn’t expect any of it. There are also quite interesting magical terms and ways that are quite creative and had me in awe of the author. Now if you are like me and you think that anything fantasy related that is quite excellent, ends with Harry Potter or whatever your favourite fantasy book is, check this out because you’re wrong!
There are more books which are sort of related to this one available, and I’d like to get myself acquainted with them. You see, the author has created a universe with many worlds. They are given the name “Related Series”, I think, and they are labelled Series 1 to 12. This book occurs in Series 7...I hope you understand what I’m trying to say here. Anyhowzer, go out there and get yourself a copy if you are into this sort of stuff.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Hey and hey.
Today I’m taking you to the ‘90s southern Africa; right when kwaito music was the ‘it’ thing and everyone’s radio was jamming to these unique tunes. Do y’all remember Trompies? No? Oh I loved this kwaito group more than anything. They had a super cool flare about them that truly agreed with my musical taste at that time. Originating in South Africa, I remember their song Ga senna ; I think that’s the name anyhow and Sweety lovey (we played this song in my marimba band). Quite the entertaining background if you ask me. Now, I’m pretty sure that we all have our fondest memories of the ‘kwaito era’, so I hope I brought back some fondest memories J. Mine involve this particular group. So where are they? I tried to research but there’s no distinct info on their whereabouts but as it turns out, they are still quite successful in what they’ve ventured into. Some of them are music producers!
I’ll see ya real soon!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
In The Department!
Guess who got their driver's license? Yep, moi! Me, me and me! As you can remember in the post Driving Lessons, things seemed all hopeless for the faithful Ziggie, and I was even considering taking on the fact that I was a bad driver. Anyway, now that I've joined the "Department of those with a driver's license", I need a car!
Guess who got their driver's license? Yep, moi! Me, me and me! As you can remember in the post Driving Lessons, things seemed all hopeless for the faithful Ziggie, and I was even considering taking on the fact that I was a bad driver. Anyway, now that I've joined the "Department of those with a driver's license", I need a car!
But first, I need to go and take my picture for the card thingy. Unfortunately, as luck would have it, I have a huge knocker (zit), on my right cheek. I mean if anything was possible, it would grow a mouth and talk to me. So I have to wait for it to go away.
I'll see you next time!
I'll see you next time!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Interview 5
Name: Tshiamo Tsebe
Age: 19
Hometown: Serowe
Favourite Musician/ Band: Chris Brown
Favourite Book: The Sky is Falling by Sidney Sheldon
Favourite Food: Anything bready
Hobbies: Socialising
Faculty: Agriculture
Major: Soil and Water Conservation
Year: 2
ZT: Describe what you study.
TT: My course basically involved a wide range of things including computer studies, engineering design, construction of buildings using AutoCAD, principles of irrigation, sprinkler systems, writing programs.
ZT: What do you intend on doing on doing after graduating?
TT: Getting a job at Water Utilities designing pipelines
ZT: Would you recommend your course to others?
TT: Yes. It’s exciting as it covers a wide range of things.
ZT: When you were around the age of 8, did you ever dream of doing what you’re doing now?
TT: No, I wanted to become a journalist
ZT: Any hidden talents?
TT: I can talk non-stop!
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