Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Great Pretender

Hello and hello! (Dusting and removing all the cobwebs)

Phew, it's been a while you guys. I didn't even post about my birthday, which was a month ago. I think I just got lost You know how it is: when life gives you lemons, but you can't make lemonade quickly enough. Then you don't want to do anything, but sit all day and think about a new strategy, while watching seasons of Supernatural and Merlin and Glee. In my absence from the blogging world, I've grown up a lot. I've met so many people and opportunities, I've learnt to accept my talents and who I am, I've discovered that taking the little things as they come might be better than planning ahead (let my hair down a little), and I've solidified many friendships. During this process, I couldn't come on Ziggie Talk and pretend like everything is alright. It's very hard to hide distress under a smile on my face, even though I do it well in reality. I've just run out of things to write about on this blog, because of that.

I just hope I'm back! There should be a new direction and schedule, and I just hope my 'readership' has not totally deserted me O.o. Until next time...


  1. Akere wa itse gore ke mang? It's hard to believe this post, you were stressed? :D I'm glad you're back in action dude, miss you.

  2. Of course I know it's you Seg! I just don't get why you're Anonymous lol. Waitse wena


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