Happy beginning of the week, Talkers!
Yep, mine’s a bit blue but that’s nothing new. (Hey, did you sense that rhyming too?)
Anyhowz, today I am profiling Yellowcard. This was a request from a reader and as of such, I’ve never really heard of them. But hey, a request is a request. I got to sample some of their music earlier this week and I have to say that they were not half bad. In fact, they kind of reminded me of that early 2000 kind of ‘punk’ scene.
So, what happened to them? This group, which was formed in 1997, released many major hits from the album Ocean Avenue, which was a huge success. The band went on a hiatus in 2008, but has set to tour and release a new album sometime this year.
So, now you kinda know what happened to Yellowcard!
just nine lines?