Sunday, October 11, 2009

For The Love of Music!

Have you ever loved a song so much you could swear that while it is playing it is part of you? Those individual notes just seem to run through your veins along with your blood with so much ease, and make you feel that indescribable joy! Yes, I have a feeling we all have that feeling. I have that feeling. Every time I hear my favorite song on the radio or on the telly; I always get so much happiness inside. Then I think, man, I can’t wait to buy the album and play this song over and over again. Yes. My music gives me confidence to go out there and share it with the world; my music builds my self-esteem, it reassures me on days that I feel crappy and down; not only does it entertain me but it is one of my best friends; it is my best friend on days when I am all alone. My music does a lot for me. Have you ever stopped and thought about what your music does for you? Ask yourself, “what does my favorite music/song do for me”?

….And long live rock music!!!!

1 comment:

    lost in a deep song all i see is my self....
    loving the moment


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