Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ringo from the 80's

Do you know that one carefree person who everyone knows and likes (because they are carefree); and seems to be everywhere even when you least expect. I know this one guy; I call him “Ringo from the 80’s”. Well...he dresses funny, like we are still in the 80's era. He has a funny haircut which was popular in the 80's I must assume, and not forgetting those thick lenses for spectacles. Now, I am not trying to be sarcastic; in fact I am trying to sort of prove something. I am trying to say that, no matter how much we may look innocent on the outside, we will always be judgmental of others on the inside. Now, this poor guy is always happy and spinning in circles as if he is on a field of daisies; heck, he walks like that; and what do I call him? Ringo from the 80's. Maybe it is jealousy; because I wish I had that feeling right this moment, of being carefree. So, what do you call that spunky-for-all-the-wrong-reasons person in your mind? Have you noticed that after you give them a name, you are going to constantly see your Ringo from the 80's carrying on with life still with his belt meeting with his armpits (OK, scratch that one out...although it is true), happy and not minding the fly on the wall. Here's to you, Ringo...from the 80's!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What was that again?

They call it deception or fraud. One way or the other it affects us all. The people it affects always have a story to tell; weather drastic or just unadorned. It starts as a huge whorl wind of happenings which spiral out of control and once we are able to capture it, it is too late to continue the same. You see, in the game of scandal they say that there are two sides to the story. One may view deception as a milestone in the great trek of life and brush it off because they are thankful it made them humble. Others can never recover because they placed all of their hopes and dreams and emotions on a bet (love) because it is the first real thing they can call home. This is a story of true beginnings coming to a screeching end because of one form of deception pilling on top of another, over and over; whirling and whirling; swish-swish! And then we all fall down! In sorrow, to welcome the new day ahead of us, understand?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

For The Love of Music!

Have you ever loved a song so much you could swear that while it is playing it is part of you? Those individual notes just seem to run through your veins along with your blood with so much ease, and make you feel that indescribable joy! Yes, I have a feeling we all have that feeling. I have that feeling. Every time I hear my favorite song on the radio or on the telly; I always get so much happiness inside. Then I think, man, I can’t wait to buy the album and play this song over and over again. Yes. My music gives me confidence to go out there and share it with the world; my music builds my self-esteem, it reassures me on days that I feel crappy and down; not only does it entertain me but it is one of my best friends; it is my best friend on days when I am all alone. My music does a lot for me. Have you ever stopped and thought about what your music does for you? Ask yourself, “what does my favorite music/song do for me”?

….And long live rock music!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Freshman 101

Hello peepz.

It has been two months since starting at university. How do I feel you ask? Absolutely mortified; physically and emotionally drained by the whole experience. Did you know that when you get to university, you become one of the most dumbest students of your group without noticing. No seriously. I think it is caused by intimidation. You will find yourself in the lecture auditorium taking down notes and people concerntrating...and you, feeling sleepy or day dreaming because you do not understand or you had a late nignt (because of too much work to finish) and so info bounces off of your ears because it is too complicated to enter and be self processed by your brain.(You can take a breath now, what a long sentence). Then a "smart Alec" would then raise their hand to correct the lecturer's mistake and there will be proof that you are not really listening when you correct th mistake you photocopied into your notebook. How did this happen? In high school everything was great, and you were smart, but now...now you are among the smartest. I do not want to sound overly confident, but today, I just in-your-faced this feeling of dumbness when I actually studied and gave myself credit for understanding simple methods I thought were too hard. So, Einstein? What is next on the agenda? I think I will have an ice tea in this hot weather and study some more. I am making progress after all. Relax people, there is still some hope left for Ziggie.