Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I Apologise

Hey there!

I know, I know... I haven't posted in a while. I'm just so overwhelmed with my tests and the upcoming exam period! Everything is just too much and posting has sort of taken the back seat. I'll make an effort, but I'm pretty sure this will go on into next week or so. I'm really sorry, mates and dudettes.

See ya on the other side! :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

And the Winner Is....

Hello people!

So, I found this on Google (the generator thing). I just Googled "random number generator" and Bob's your uncle I found this! Amazing, right? Anyway, the winner for March's compo cannot be decided on judgement because it was an opinionated discussion. So, I'm randomly picking the winner. Since there were 4 comments, the winner is....

Number 3. Number three on the Competition post is Loago! Congrats. So send me your deetz on my email. Btw, when I generated the number, it read 3; in case you were wondering.